Portfolio and Certificate University Teaching Qualification - Prof. Caspar van der Wal

Caspar van der Wal submitted his UTQ portfolio (see below) on 16 Nov. 2014 and he proudly reports here that the University Teaching Qualification certificate was awarded to him in 2014

Caspar's UTQ certificate

The report of the UTQ evaluation committee is available at this link: Evaluation report of the UTQ portfolio of Caspar van der Wal (pdf).

Page last modified 26 Mar. 2015.

Main document

Portfolio University Teaching Qualification - Prof. Caspar van der Wal (main document, pdf)

NOTE: This web page is the basis page. All the pdf and html links below here open in a new window. Close these windows or change windows to return to this basis web page.


Self-assessment form UTQ
Appendix 01 (this form filled in by Caspar van der Wal, pdf)

Education CV Caspar van der Wal
Appendix 02 (Education CV Caspar van der Wal, pdf)

Instruction note to the teachers of the tutorials
Appendix 03 (instruction note to the teachers of the tutorials, pdf)

Clarifying course contents and organization to the students
Appendix 04a (main course website, html)
Appendix 04b (syllabus 2014-2015, pdf)
Appendix 04c (weekly homework and study list for exam 2014-2015, html)

Handout and web link for the students on a systematic approach to solving problems
Appendix 05 (handout systematic approach problem solving, pdf)

Actual roster of the course 2014-2015
Appendix 06 (the 2014-2015 roster of the course, pdf)

Examples of material used in lectures
Appendix 07a (lecture part introducing operators, pdf)
Appendix 07b (lecture part Peer Instruction angular momentum, pdf)

Examples and complete overview of the problem set for the course
Appendix 08a (example problem with answer, on state representations, pdf)
Appendix 08b (example problem with answer, link to applications, pdf)
Appendix 08c (full problem set 2014-2015 for 8 weeks, html)
Appendix 08d (example of full model answer set for one week of the course, pdf)

Example final exam (questions and model answers) 21 Jan. 2010
Appendix 09a (example final exam with answers, pdf)
Appendix 09b (analysis exam, pdf)

Example final exam (questions and model answers) 3 Nov. 2011
Appendix 10a (example final exam with answers, pdf)
Appendix 10b (student scores on this exam, pdf)

Example final exam (questions and model answers) 28 Nov. 2013
Appendix 11a (example final exam with answers, pdf)
Appendix 11b (analysis exam, pdf)

Outcome FWN course evaluation for Quantum Physics 1, 2011-2012
Appendix 12 (course evaluation outcome, pdf)

Analysis of the course on the performance of instructional functions
Appendix 13 (course analysis, pdf)

Slides from workshop by Caspar van der Wal on Peer Instruction use for Quantum Physics teaching (ICAB 2013)
Appendix 14 (slides ICAB workshop, pdf)

Text book material written by Caspar van der Wal (on identical particles)
Appendix 15 (extra material on indentical particles, pdf)