Nov. 2024:
We got new funding, for a PhD position [position now filled], within the EU Pathfinder project
QuSPARC. The project will focus on the science and technology for scaling of chips with large numbers of qubits, with a platform that is based on color centers in silicon carbide and microcavities.
31 May. 2024:
Joop Hendriks defended his PhD thesis Vanadium color centers in silicon carbide for quantum-telecommunication in the O-Band. More info here. Congrats Joop!
20 Jan. 2023:
More to celebrate! Carmem Gilardoni from our team won the 2022 prize for best PhD thesis in Physics in the Netherlands! Congrats! See this announcement.
20 July 2022:
Carmem Gilardoni from our team obtained a NWO Rubicon grant for a 2-year postdoctoral fellow position at Cambridge University, for her research proposal Quantum materials by design: Towards engineering spin-based functionality at the atomic level. Well done Carmem!
21 April 2022:
Carmem Gilardoni from our team got honored as a rising star in science at a KHMW prize event for the Netherlands L'Oréal-Unesco For Women in Science awards. Congrats Carmem!

3 Dec. 2021:
Hurray! Carmem Gilardoni from our team defended her PhD thesis today, and got the highest distinction (cum laude)!
Her thesis Optically addressable spins in silicon carbide and related 2D materials: the role of symmetry and spin-orbit coupling is fully online here. Congrats Carmem!

19 Feb. 2021:
Not held back by any of the Covid-19 regulations for our PhD defenses, Tom Bosma of our team defended today online his PhD thesis Spin-active color centers in SiC for telecom-compatible quantum technologies. Congratulations!
Link to thesis and ceremony info.

26 Oct. 2020:
Our publication on surprisingly slow spin relaxation for semiconductor quantum emitters with strong spin-orbit coupling came out. Up to 2.4 seconds! Great team work with lead by Carmem Gilardoni (in photo) and Tom Bosma also gave the physics that explains it. Open-access link to the publication (doi) and associated popular science writing (link).

18 Sept. 2020:
Xu Yang defended today his PhD thesis Connecting chirality and spin in electronic devices. Congratulations!
Link to thesis and ceremony info.

3-4 Sept. 2020:
We hosted the international workshop of the EU QuanTELCO research project. Good progress, so plenty of time for good scientific discussions in our online format. Chair of organization and the scientific programming was in good hands at a PhD student of our team: Carmem Gilardoni.
10 Jan. 2020:
Gerjan Lof defended today his PhD thesis Optical preparation and detection of spin coherence in molecules and crystal defects. Congratulations!
Link to thesis ceremony info.

Oct. 2019:
We are very happy to start per this month with several partners in Europe our QuanTELCO research project (H2020 FET-Open), about spin-active telecom-compatible emitters in SiC devices for quantum technologies. See also link 1, link 2 and
YouTube clip; DOI:10.3030/862721.
Aug. 2018:
Our paper Identification and tunable optical coherent control of transition-metal spins in silicon carbide
got accepted at npj Quantum Information, see also doi - open access.
Several news outlets covered this work, see for example
Aug. 2018:
Our paper Symmetry regimes for circular photocurrents in monolayer MoSe2
got published in Nature Communications, see also doi - open access.
16 Feb. 2018:
Congratulations to Alok Chaubal! He defended today his PhD thesis Electromagnetically induced transparency with localized impurity electron spins in a semiconductor
(link to cermony info).

23 Sept. 2016:
Olger Zwier defended his PhD thesis Two-laser spectroscopy and coherent manipulation of color-center spin ensembles in silicon carbide (here congratulated by committee member prof. Son from Linköping).

16 Sept. 2016:
Jakko de Jong defended his PhD thesis Optically addressing semiconductor electron-spin ensembles with tunable nuclear-spin environments.

Nov. 2015:
Ivan Ivanov is visiting from the group with Nguyen T. Son and Erik Janzen (Linköping) for initiating measurements
that explore a broader range of defects in SiC (here seen with Olger Zwier of our team in the SiC lab).

23 Oct. 2015:
Sander Onur defended his PhD thesis Optical control of mesoscopic spin ensembles in gallium arsenide.

August 2015:
Jakko de Jong from our team won the poster prize of the 2015 FOPS Conference, for his poster on optically-driven nuclear spin control via donor-bound electrons in GaAs.
April 2015:
Our paper on spin-selective driving of optical transitions for divacancies in SiC and optical coherent population trapping of its spin got accepted for publication in Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (see Publications).
Our first paper on SiC, by the team with Olger, Sander, Danny and Caspar.
Summer 2014:
Congratulations to Danny O'Shea of our team for being awarded an
NWO-Veni grant on the topic
Quantum Optics of Spins in Semiconductor Waveguides.
It is a personal research grant for an independent project, hosted by our group, and in collaboration with our group,
the group of Jeremy O'Brien (Bristol), and the group of Nguyen T. Son and Erik Janzen (Linkoping).
28 Aug. 2013:
Results from our project on Electron many-body effects in quantum point contacts are published in
Link to coverage of this work in a News & Views article in Nature Physics.
University press release (Dutch and English).
Science LinX topical news item (Dutch and English).
Summer 2013:
The team starts a new project on electron spin dynamics in
organic materials based on small molecules or polymers (collaboration within the Zernike Institute with the groups of Broer, Havenith and Loi).
13 July 2012:
Javaid Iqbal defended his PhD thesis Electron many-body effects in quantum point contacts.

Caspar van der Wal received an ERC Starting Grant (1.5 MEuro) for a 5-year research
program that studies quantum optics with electron and nuclear spin ensembles in semiconductors.
In 2012 we hired the PhD students Olger Zwier and Jakko de Jong and postdoc Danny O'Shea on this project.

YouTube link to news item on the Web-TV of the University Newspaper (in Dutch)]