New group members

Introduction for new group members to Physics of Nanodevices

When first arriving at the group, the following should happen:
(most should be done together with / by the direct daily supervisor)

Visit Johan Holstein and explicitly ask that he gives this new person his short lab-tour and introduction aimed at making sure that the new person is well-informed about all basic rules concerning lab safety.

Extra note on lab safety: Besides various other dangerous chemicals that you may come across during clean room work, persons working with GaAs should note the following.
GaAs cleaving: always wear breathing protection!
GaAs etching, make sure the fumes stay in the clean bench, away from where you breath.
Breathing GaAs dust / small particles / vapors from chemical rections with GaAs is VERY UNHEALTHY.
Ask Johan for instructions.

Make a group tour to get to know all other group members and rooms and labs of our group in particular make sure all technicians, Anna, and the staff get to know a new person on the first day.

Visit group secretary Anna McEwan to fill out various forms, and getting a key-card to enter the building.

Get a desk and a PC, visit Johan Holstein (for Bachelor and FIT student only when a fre place is available).

Get those keys that you need for rooms and labs of the group, by a visit to Johan Holstein.

At some point, get the door key-card also authorized for entering optics labs or the Zernike cleanroom

If the person will work with lasers, you must also read and follow the instructions on this page

Give the new person instructions and password for using the QD Y-drive, and other intra-net and wiki-web-pages at FND, see

Ask Anna to add the new person to the listings with group members, and group e-mail lists, including the FND e-mail list.

Ask Tom to add the new person to the listings with QD team members, and the QD e-mail list.

Ask Tom to add the new person as one who has access to the Y-drive of the QD team.

For new PhD students and postdocs only:
You will at some point get a group task, and you will probably become the manager for one of the experimental setup. A list with all these taks and setup managers is on the intra-net pages of

Daily and weekly meetings in the life of FND group members

10:30 Coffee or tea (and bring cake on all suitable occasions)

Around 12:00 Lunch

15:30 Coffee or tea

Thursday at 13:00 (most of the weeks, but sometimes on another day!) – QD team meeting in Caspar’s office.

Tuesdays at 16:00 – FND group talk, a group member giving a 30 min. presentation on his or her research (for location see

Wednesday at 9:00 – FND group meeting, bi-weekly either only short SCIENCE presentations
or a short group meeting to discuss ORGANIZATIONAL & TECHNICAL issues, and then short SCIENCE talks
(for room and program see

There are several other weekly meetings of small research teams with the supervising straff member (spins in GaAs team with Caspar, graphene team with Bart, BEEM-STM team with Tamalika, etc.

Thursday at 16:00 (Coffee and cookies 15:30)- Colloquium (lecture hall 5111.0080), for the program see
Zernike Institute colloquium web page and Physics colloquium web page.
Maybe also
Physics colloquium web page.